Wednesday, August 6, 2008

At the Barn

This is Fire Chief. He's by Carson City out of Piping Hot, by Tabasco Cat

Fire Chief is owned by B & S Stables, Brian Klatsky, and Doug Robertson.

Cohenthebarbarian, owned by IEAH Stables, is by Pulpit out of Dama, by Storm Cat.


The newest addition to the barn is this stunning two year old filly, Jaqueline

She's beautifully bred, by Diesis (GB) out of Spring Burst, by Nureyev.

We're proud to train Jaqueline for WW2 veteran Jack Trovato.

We'll keep you posted here on works and entries.

1 comment:

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Jake,

My name is Jake too. But I'm a dog. A wire fox terrier to be exact. Your mom and her nine whippets are friends of mine (and of my brother, who is also a dog) and we've been following your stories through her.

Now that you have your own blog, we'll check in from time to time to see how you're doing. To paraphrase the commercial, with a name like Jake, it's gotta' be good!!!

We wish you lots of success -- and lots of happiness too with your beautiful girlfriend whom we saw on your Mom;s blog. If I weren't a dog, I'd be after her in a flash!!!

Wirey woofs and all my wishes for your success!
